7 Social Media Predictions That Will Come True In 2019

by optcdigi

7 Social Media Predictions That Will Come True In 2019

by optcdigi

by optcdigi

Prediction 1:
All social networks are going to use video.
we alright know that LinkedIn and Facebook have video live. Instagram also encourage video moreover image. Instagram’s Stories have grown in leaps and bounds over the past year. You can expect more of the same during 2019.
Streaming video has become very popular with brands taking advantage of live streaming functionality on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Prediction 2:
Brands will have more way.
In social media, fake news may be spread as fast than proper news. By focusing on the brand we can avoid fake news.
Start looking for the best content from your followers, and consider showcasing that content on your own channels. It can help grow your base and give your audience a sense of connection.

brand awarness

Prediction 3:
Likes and shares are not mean much it all about comments.
In every social media, there is a comment section. One has to encourage the user to comment rather than like are share a post.
Linked in wants comments, Facebook wants comments, Instagram wants comments. They’re all gonna move towards this.
So more comments you get, the better you will have engagements.
Comments should be not like yes or no, but they’re gonna want in-depth comments. So the more in-depth comments you have, the better you’re gonna in social media.

Prediction 4:
Advertising gonna get tougher.
You all know cost is gonna go up but the reason it’s gonna get tougher is because it’s gonna move into branded.
It’s gonna make advertising harder and harder for you because brand dollars are much bigger than dollars that affiliate marketers are willing to spend to get an ROI.

social media predictions

Prediction 5:

social media
All social media platforms will have the same algorithm by 2019.
As you’ll drive traffic to your website, it gets harder and harder.
They don’t wanna drive traffic to your website. They just wanna keep you on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram.
Prediction 6:
People will stop using all the social networks after.
That is people start an effort on the main social media platform. For Example, when snapchat launched everyone is interested in snapchat but coming to present everyone is interested in Instagram and spending more time on Instagram.
Prediction 7:
There is a knock for newcomers.
we will see newcomers growing up but they been killed up because people already stuck with the networks that they are using from before.

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 Social Media Predictions
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