Pay Per Click

Visitors  through Pay Per Click are  50 % more likely to buy the products or services than regular organic visitors

Paid Campaigns

Paid Campaigns help you to achieve your business goals in a faster way where you pay only when your conversion goal is achieved. Paid Campaigns bring results quicker when compared to organic search engine optimization.

However, for  Paid Campaigns proper optimization of ad copy is required based upon your campaign budget and conversion goals. At OPT-C we optimize your paid campaigns with good ad copy and proper campaign strategy which will work effectively to improve your ROI.

Key Benefits of the Service

Customer-centric businesses build a virtuous cycle we call the customer wheel. We help companies at every stage of growth, developing custom solutions and collaborating with all levels of your business.

  • We help you understand customer behaviors
  • We help break down barriers to innovation
  • We help resolve the pricing paradox
  • We help align brand strategy with key objectives
  • We help companies nurture loyal customers who are more profitable

We help companies identify quick, targeted, customized solutions as well as strategic and operational improvements to boost underperforming sales organizations.

We help clients define the target customer or sweet spot — the area of distinct advantage over competitors—to inform business decisions and investment allocation.

We ensure marketing investments are generating highest returns and reinforcing the brand positioning; and build a loyal customer base through branding that cultivates a strong, trusted image.

We work with companies to develop a series of positive interactions with the customer to earn their advocacy and inform consistent delivery of experiences to drive top-line growth.

Swathi Shetty
SEM Specialist

I’ll help you start the right way with a Pay Per Click Strategy & ROI management .