Social Media Marketing Agency In Hyderabad

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Social Media Marketing In Hyderabad

Social Media Marketing  in Hyderabad

With new digital age, there’s no business with social media marketing. There are many businesses running on social media without even a website, where social media is proving its prominence. But just being on social media gives you brand identity? Posting anything is fine? What type of activity for your business is suitable? Woh woh..a lot to take in at once? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. we provide quality social media marketing in Hyderabad for startups and local businesses

Every business has its own requirements. Single strategy doesn’t work for all types of businesses. Your business requires Social media strategy to make you standout. We at Opt-C, help you create a tailor made social media  strategy for your business. We have a team of international experts from Dubai, who has 8 plus years of experience. The real time experience of team will go through your business, understand it well, audit the website and all the social media platforms, point out the flaws, and make a customized strategy to make your digital presence better. 

Wait, we’re not done yet. We’ve got more for you. We want to prove that we’re the best Social Media Marketing Company in Hyderabad. Read through the article.

Why Social Media Presence is Important For Your Business ?

Social media is a two-way street. It just now allows you to tell people what you’re doing, it also allows you to know what your customers are thinking about you. Everything about business is on Social Media now. In a way, it’s an easier way to find out what your competitors are doing and  analyze how can you be better. According to a survey, 73.45% of the people use Social Media Platforms check their favorite business updates. Let’s look at some more points to understand why social media presence for businesses: 

  1. Brand Awareness:
    Let’s accept each of us spend more time on social media to see what your favorite branding is planning? what Microsoft is working? When is Apple launching their new iPhone? Reviews about the new Bluetooth speakers and what not. Social media has everything, then why not your business? Social Media creates a brand awareness to the wider range of public. And it’s easy, accessible, engaging and approachable.
  2. Cost Effective:
    All the famous Social Media Applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and many others are absolutely free to use. To have an account or a page it’s free but they might charge you for Advertising but it’s very minimal comparatively. 
  3. Target Audience:
    Everyone on the Social Media is not useful for your business? No worries, you can trim down your Audience list. Choose Audience from the niche that you require, which can also give you an idea about how effectively your audience are showing interest  in you business. This can help you prepare a new strategy or make changes to your existing strategies.
  4. Market Research:
    Social Media is an effective platform for market research too. You can have easy access to competitor pages and updates. So that you can plan your own strategy accordingly. You can also see which type of people following your competitors and you can directly target them.Social Media can help you increase the business opportunities, sales also monitor your market research.

What is Social Media Optimization?

Social media optimization is the process of increasing the awareness of a product, brand or business through using different social media platforms. SMO can increase the visibility, generate leads and boost up your sales. Social Media Optimization build trust. Most of the angry consumers post their on Social Media. Then answering their queries right there, can make them feel answered and prioritized, so social media acts as a direct medium between you and the consumers. 

Social media has been a great place to redirect the traffic to the website, which indirectly increase Organic visits. Understanding the power of  SEO, the concept of SMO is used in optimizing the website to increase the visibility in social search. Here are the main platforms involved and the services we’re good at each platform:

Needless to say, Facebook is the world’s largest engaging platform with millions of active users. And highly optimized to reach out to your targeting criteria.

  • Facebook profile Optimization
  • Brand Awareness
  • Local Traffic research
  • Lead Generation
  • User Engagement
  • Page creation, optimization and management
  • Groups management
  • Facebook Advertising and marketing
  • Facebook Paid Campaigns

Pictures speaks louder than words. Instagram’s success is the proof for it. Instagram has become the most creative, effective and most provoking medium of the world in recent years.

  • Account Setup
  • Profile creation and Optimization
  • Content creation and post management
  • Increase followers and management
  • Instagram sponsors and marketing
  • Instagram marketing
  • Instagram photo, story, video and carousel ad campaigns

One of the most engaging site for professionals. Twitter allows you to say your opinion to the world in 140 characters. One of the survey says that Twitter can become the next big search engine to know about trends.


  • Twitter Account setup
  • Profile Optimization
  • Custom images for profile and background
  • Regular tweets, replies and shares.
  • Twitter followers.
  • Paid twitter ad campaigns

The professional social network for each business. Also, the most effective platform for Business to Business or Business to Customer solutions.


  • LinkedIn Account Setup.
  • Profile Optimization
  • Business page, creation and optimization
  • Business page posts and maintenance
  • Influencer connection
  • Lead Generation
  • Recommendations, referrals and brand visibility
  • LinkedIn Paid Campaigns


Pinterest has set up to convey a message by pinning an image. It has over 150 million active users till date including.


  • Account creation and Optimization
  • Graphic design and Postings
  • User engagement
  • Pinterest Paid Campaigns


When picture can speak louder, Video can be the loudest! YouTube is the biggest video platform which has 1300 million users. YouTube can emerge the possibility of understanding your business or products easily to the users. 


  • Account Setup
  • Profile Optimization
  • Features Customization
  • Business Channel setup
  • Tags and Categories
  • Facebook, Instagram and business website connects.
  • Video Promotions
  • Comment management
  • Youtube Paid Advertising

With a higher notch to the above platforms, there are many other social media platforms such as Tumblr, Reddit, Skyrock, Bluecheck etc.., . However one to find the right social media channels to target their audience. We need to create proper buyers personas to understand our ideal customer and target them accordingly We at Opt – C has an experienced team for each and every platform, who can set a best position for your Business on all social media platforms. Our Social Media Marketing Experts can provide all the required services, with a strong analytics and reports.

Now you may ask, there are many Social Media Marketing agencies, individual social media marketing experts available in Hyderabad. Why do we choose you?

We’ve the perfect answer for you. Our employees are our strength. We’ve direct employees from every field. Designers to create the best graphics, content writers to create unique writeups, Growth hackers to develop the strategies, and experts to make use of all these to serve you the best. Yes, we’re coming there. That something we promised, That something worth reading the whole document. Here it is:
You can sign up for one month free services. Yes! You heard it right. Reach out to us soon to avail your turn and get better. This  is how you can avail the free social media marketing in Hyderabad for your business.

We do offer  quality ppc services in Hyderabad 


    We are the evolving and one of the fast-growing Social Media Marketing Agency in Hyderabad offering better social media marketing services to the startups and local businesses. and helping them improve their social presence.

    Would you like to speak to one of our digital experts over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

    We inspire clients to make creative thoughts for business by building confidence with digital strategy.. Send us a message, or phone 7382738384 between 09:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak and in providing best solutions .